Including Memories of Loved Ones on Graduation Day

Special occasions bring about complex feelings. It is common (and normal!) to be overjoyed at a life event while heartbroken that your loved one isn't there to celebrate with you. Your graduate is likely experiencing similar emotions. 

This graduation season, we’re sharing three opportunities for incorporating your loved one’s memory into your graduate’s milestone day.

Make personalized jewelry

Photo credit: SilverHandwriting on Etsy

Find a note with your loved one’s handwriting and add it to a bracelet, keychain, or necklace. Etsy has an entire section of its website dedicated to personalized handwriting jewelry. Custom pieces are wonderful conversation starters, especially useful (and sentimental) on graduation day.


Create a photo board 

Gather some of your favorite photos of your graduate and the person you’ve lost and put them on display at your celebration. Pinterest has tons of photo board ideas. If you’re feeling extra crafty, you could even create a photo bouquet to use as centerpieces on your party tables.


Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize!

Encourage your graduate to wear a special tie or piece of jewelry. Doing so is a simple act yet it can be a poignant reminder of a loved one who’s died. 


Author Allison Gilbert has written extensively on grieving through special occasions. Her key takeaway is this: “Recognize that absence and presence can coexist. Taking intentional steps to remember loved ones is key to healing. By proactively embracing the memory of loved ones on special occasions, we increase our capacity for joy during times we often miss our loved ones most.” Allison shares more ideas like these in her book Passed and Present: Keeping Memories of Loved Ones Alive. If you have other ideas on how to incorporate memories of loved ones into special days, we encourage you to join the For Grief private Facebook group and share with others. Click here to join


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