Anticipatory Grief & Caring for Someone Who is Terminally Ill

Grief doesn’t only stem from death. Sometimes you may experience what is called anticipatory grief, which is the feeling of grief before the death of a loved one. It's a unique type of mourning and it comes with its own set of emotional, psychological, and even physical challenges. In this blog post, we will offer advice on how to navigate this difficult emotional terrain when someone you love is terminally ill. 

Practice Self-Care

Caring for a terminally ill loved one can be emotionally and physically draining. Make sure to prioritize your own self-care. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Take breaks if you can and when necessary. You may consider joining a support group for caregivers. These groups can provide a safe space to share your feelings and learn helpful coping strategies. 

Meet Them Where They Are

Acknowledge that your time together is changing. Find new ways to stay connected. If your loved one isn’t physically able to attend their grandchild’s basketball game, you might record parts of it on your phone and watch the video together later. This type of small gesture has the power to keep connections strong. 

Be Open and Honest

Nurture real communication with your loved one. Do you feel scared, angry, guilty, or sad? Consider sharing your emotions, no matter how messy. If the thought of having a conversation like this makes you uneasy, perhaps write a letter or short note. Sharing has the capacity to bring comfort to entire families. 

Remember you are not alone. There is a community in talking with other caregivers who have faced, or who are currently facing, similar challenges. We encourage you to share your own ideas and experiences in our For Grief Facebook Community.


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